Sunday, November 25, 2007


It was thin at Weight Watchers yesterday (no pun intended), which was totally expected, but hopefully will remedy itself next Saturday.

At this time of year there's the danger of blowing it at Thanksgiving by eating everything in sight and consuming what's left in the fridge on Black Friday. Sadly, some people then give up, check out for the holidays and in reality never get back on track.

How do I know that? - Because I have done it on at least four occasions in my life. After months of focus, I've let it all go at this time of year and gone back to my old ways, sometimes for years at a time.

The big achievement for me on my recent weight loss journey was staying focused through the holidays for the first time in my life. I'm not saying I didn't put on weight, I'm simply stating that I didn't turn my back on everything and say farewell to months of efforts.

Thanksgiving is just one day - plus one for the leftovers.

It's important to get back on track and refuse to jettison all that has been accomplished.