Sunday, February 27, 2011
Weight loss is not mysterious. However any program is packaged it comes down to a simple principle - you burn more calories than you take in. Whether you do that using the latest "scientific" diet, by drinking a shake at midday, swearing off carbs or having nasty meals delivered to your door, it's the same bottom line.
Both aspects need attention - diet and exercise.
On the exercise side of things, this not only needs to be sustained but it must also be challenging to some degree. I've come a long way from the time when I started activity by walking a mile a day, but I admit it has become comfortable to settle.
So last week I started running a shorter distance - 5 miles instead of 6 - while focusing on the speed of the run. Now I'm no sprinter, but on one of my five runs last week I established a time that I will be working on beating this week. So I'm pushing myself which makes running hard work, but satisfying.
Keep challenging yourself. Don't settle.