Monday, July 21, 2008


I haven't been a great fan of hot dogs since I started eating more healthily some three and a half years ago, but this summer I've taken a fancy to this humble favorite of millions and have been happy to discover they fit easily into my food plan.

So this evening I ate two, using Hebrew National low fat franks and light rolls - a total of four points! We don't top hot dogs with sauerkraut in the UK, we tend to go for fried onions, which works well for me as I don't care for pickled cabbage or whatever it is anyway.

So I threw on the onions (fried in spray stuff), some mustard, grilled an ear of corn, added a side salad and ate a very tasty, totally acceptable 5 Points dinner.

Which all goes to prove you don't need to run from typical summer fare, you just need to make smart choices.

Must go - time for fruit and ice cream.