Monday, November 9, 2009


There were a lot of great things about living in Scotland. We loved our fifteen years there, but there was one thing we really missed that there is an abundance of here on Long Island - trees.

The weather was so severe living beside the North Sea that there were no trees untiil you went a mile or two inland. Trust me, those winds were severe.

So we were very happy to buy a house here that has a number of trees in the yard ... until we realized why Americans call autumn "fall". Because every leaf off every tree falls to the ground and has to be raked up.

I've spent around six hours raking leaves this past two days, filled more than 60 bags and still have the back yard to tackle. Tonight I'm sore and more than a little tired, but here's the silver lining -

I burned around 2600 calories!

When all is said and done, it's good exercise.