Monday, August 20, 2007


The Great Cow Harbor Race is rapidly approaching and I must admit to being a little apprehensive. The 10K (6.2 miles) run that draws a field of around 3,500 runners was my first ever excursion into the world of amateur athletics last fall.

The trouble with this year is that I know what's ahead.

Cow Harbor is looked upon as being one of the toughest races in NY, probably because of the hills that make up the course. The huge gradient about 1.2 miles into the race didn't bother me last year - I just walked it! What killed me was the long, slow climbing road between miles four and five.

So, Im starting to run more on the road now than on my usual treadmill and my goal is that on the day I can knock a few minutes off last years's time.

Of course I'd love to break one hour, but that won't happen this year - maybe next???