Tuesday, September 4, 2007


While I run at he gym every morning - well, around five times a week nowadays - I wouldn't like it to be thought that this is one of my favorite pastimes.

Sitting down with a few pastors last week, the subject of hobbies came up and one of the guys suggested mine was obvious, I run. I guess he deduced that from the fact that I trailed my running gear all the way to SC and had been up and out on the road that day long before the rest of the crew had even surfaced.

I wasn't doing that because I love it. I was doing it because one of the essential equations in life is that if calories burned exceed calories taken in, there will be no weight gain.

I guess I ran a couple of races this summer just because I can - well, sort of - and that's why I'm getting ready for the Great Cow Harbor Race on September 15th.

Anothe reason I'm dragging my tail the 6.2 gruelling miles around hilly Norhtport early one Saturday is that I'm looking to raise money through sponsorship to help buy a new van for our church's food pantry and mobile soup kitchen.

It's a great cause and if you want to get behind it - and me - feel free to mail me a check made payable to Grace Care.
