Tuesday, December 4, 2007


There's nothing that I really want for Christmas.

Let's face it, I'm blessed and have all I really need. Sure, I don't have a BMW, a vacation home in the Bahamas or even an iPhone but the reality is there's more to life than stuff.

This year I'll have the thing I love most at Christmas - dinner with all my family. Gill and I, the kids and the grandkids. What more could a man ask for?

There's one thing I don't want and I hope you don't get either -

A weight increase that wipes out weeks or months of self-restraint and effort. Last Saturday I recommended to my groups that they set themselves a target for the holidays, a time when the average American gains 7lb - 10lb.

You see, if you don't know where you're going you'll end up any old place. So I suggested reasonable goals should be established.

Here's mine - I want to hit January at my regular goal weight.

No gain will be a win for me.

That's my Christmas wish - but wishing alone won't make it a reality.