Saturday, December 8, 2007


+ Had a good morning at WW. We have some excellent people in our groups. It's a pleasure to spend time with them each week.

+ The banana I ate for breakfast at 6.45 had worn off by the time I got home at 1.45. Maybe I need to eat something more substantial next week.

+ I love it when people stand on the scale sheepishly, but then get a pleasant surprise. Of course the opposite to this scenario happens at times too - that stinks!

+ Towards the end of the morning our Location Coordinator got a lot of the stuff in place for the revamp for '08 that we'll be introducing next week.

+ It's very quiet at this time of year, with attendance down by a good 35%. Of course, come January that will all change.

+ Got nailed good this morning when I was talking about reducing holiday stress by accepting offers of help. One mischievious member asked if I would be doing that Christmas Day. (Last week I shared that the kitchen is my sole domain at that time of year and no one else is allowed in!)

+ Sounds like the temptation to ease up on exercise is the main issue for folks at this time of year. I liked the idea of using a good walking DVD and also the concept of going up and down the basement stairs every time there is a commercial break on TV.

+ Did I say I enjoy the folks at WW???