Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Sitting beside the pool yesterdat afternoon and quietly minding my own business, my wife suddenly shoved a copy of Oprah's magazine in my face, informing me,"You should read this article".

It was about a writer who was horrified to realize that in twenty four years she had gained 19lb and now weighed somewhere in the 120's. There followed several pages of narrative about how she had conquered such serious weight issues.

I felt I wanted to introduce Oprah to some of my friends who are fighting real battles with one hundred or more pounds to shed, but then I reminded myself - as I often have to - that this lady's relatively small amount of weight was as important to her as my 133lb was to me.

So how did she do it? Diet and exercise of course - there is no other lasting way to reach your goals.

Here's a quote from her personal trainer I liked -

"Your body is my responsibility - your mind is yours!"

It's the mind that matters - stay focused!