Sunday, October 12, 2008


We have friends from North Carolina who visit us now and again - they were here last weekend - and one of their first requests is for us to be able to eat in a Diner. We're always glad to see them and would take them to whatever restaurant they choose, but it's always the same request - seems there's nothing remotely like one of our diners down on the Outer Banks.

We generally go to a diner for brunch on Sundays, after church is over, arriving around noon. I'm ready to eat by then as I leave the house early and don't usually eat a lot during the course of the morning - often not at all, but don't tell my WW leader!

So, what's good - and safe - in a diner? Thankfully there are quite a few choices, but of late I've been going for two poached eggs on a dry toasted English muffin. That works out at six points, with another six thrown in if I add the home fries.

I had the home fries today and enjoyed them. What I love about this program is it's so inclusive. That will be my main meal of the day, but it was good.

You can't beat a New York diner!