Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I brought my running gear to Indianapolis and was grateful that our friends could advise me of a five miles route for this morning.

What I hadn't really reckoned on was how cold it would be here - and it was! Running in temperatures below freezing is another world compared to the gym I use at home. I do run outdoors sometimes back on Long Island, but I gave that up some time ago and decided to wait until spring.

It's difficult to know what to put on when you're venturing out into freezing conditions. You're going to warm up, so do you take clothes to shed along the way or do you start out cold and hope to sweat enough to reach a decent body temperature?

I chose the latter, wearing less but finding within ten minutes I was toasty - all except for my hands. So the one difference tomorrow is ... I wear gloves.

Anyway, having a relaxing time - brainstorming with my friend about ways to encourage more people to a healthier lifestyle. It would be radical - who knows???

He even suggested I write a book - you never know.