Wednesday, March 4, 2009


There's a lot to be said for getting into an established routine, but the trouble is we don't live in an ideal world, so there will always be things that interrupt our carefully worked out rituals.

That's what happened with my exercise while I was in India. While I did get some in the first week I was there, the second week was one of traveling, early mornings and little real opportunity to work out - that's my excuse anyway.

When I got home at the weekend I was shot, so didn't get anything done, but mother nature hepled me on Monday when I had to spend three hours shoveling snow just to get the driveway clear. I did some more snow removal yesterday morning, but really did start to get into my regular routine again today.

It's tough getting back to it. Running seemed more demanding and the demonized super-eliptical thingy at the gym seemed almost impossible for the first ten minutes. But I went through my workout, leaving me sore, tired, but content.

It's always good to get back into routine!