Friday, March 6, 2009


This is the time of week that I take a deep breath and know that I will emerge from things exhausted some time on Monday morning.

Weekends are full - Saturday starts it off with a seven hours, non-stop stint at Weight Watchers and then it moves on from there. I go out with our church's mobile soup kitchen on Saturday afternoons, try to stay quiet for the evening and then head out early Sunday for a full morning of church.

I live for the weekend, but probably in quite the opposite way that the normal working person does. For the average human being, these two days represent down time, family time, recreation, catching up. To me they're what I'm planning for all week and are by far the most demanding days.

I love weekends. I love my WW groups and I love church.

Imagine getting up on a Saturday morning and Sunday morning and going out to do what you thoroughly enjoy doing and not only is it called work, but you get paid for it.

I really am a blessed man!