Sunday, March 1, 2009


It looks like the weather will dictate I don't get to my weekly weigh-in at WW tomorrow - I'm guessing the center will be close until the snowstorm passes.

So for this week I'll go with what my bathroom scale is telling me and it's good. Seems I succesfully navigated my trip to India and ten days of my favorite cuisine, by coming out of it with no weight gain at all.

Since it was impossible to control what I was eating most of the time, I focused on what I dod have some say on, the size of the portions I ate. I also exercised whenever it was feasible and let me tell you, it was hilarious to see the reactions of Indian villagers to an old white American running through their community in shorts and t-shirt!

When you can't control the substance, you can still be cautious about the amounts you eat - and that will often help you achieve your goals.