There's an excellent article on this at here's an extract -
Avoiding Food Landmines
Every workplace has them: a dish of chocolate kisses, a reappearing plate of donuts or bagels, or an ever-present box of leftover pizza. Research published by Brian Wansink, Cornell University food psychologist and author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think (Bantam, 2006), shows just how dangerous those little treats are: Indulging in the office candy bowl can pack on the calories and ultimately cause a weight gain.
What to do: Make a stash of your own. "Make sure you have healthy snacks on hand so you can avoid the temptation," says Stokes. Stokes suggests homemade trail mix tossed with a few nuts and dried fruits, or cookies such as gingersnaps, graham crackers or animal crackers.
Full article -