Monday, July 20, 2009


This morning I ran into someone I haven't seen for years. He commented on my weight loss and asked me how I did it, to which I replied, "Good old Weight Watchers."

I went on to tell him that losing weight is one matter, but maintaining the loss is another and that is the ongoing battle I face every day.

We all need every bit of encouragement we can get, while refusing to give way to negativity.

On Saturday I was weighing in a member who told me she almost did not come as she had eaten at a Chinese buffet the night before. The sodium content alone of most Chinese food would be enough to give an unrealistic reading at the scale and for many of us that would have been accompanied by typical buffet overeating.

To her total surprise - and my relief - my member registered a significant weight loss instead of a gain ... and she almost didn't come. That good news got her new week off to a great start.

It's always dangerous to jump to conclusions!

Good, bad or ugly, weigh in.