Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Wally Amos says the Watermelon Credo is a “guide that has helped me and others through rough times. I share it with you in the hope that it will help you through these rough times.”
If you are an optimist, you readily acknowledge that these are tough times. Yet, you know in your heart of hearts that tough times will end.
They will end quicker if you stay positive.
So, in the hopes of helping you stay positive and optimistic in these tough times, I offer you…

The Watermelon Credo

W – Whatever you believe creates your reality. Believe that life is a positive experience and it will be.

A – Attitude is the magic word. Your greatest asset is your attitude. Be positive regardless.

T – Together everyone achieves more. There are no limits to what we can accomplish together. I am more that I am but less than we are.

E – Enthusiasm is the wellspring of life. There is no limit to what can be accomplished with enough enthusiasm.

R – Respect yourself, as well as others. When you begin to respect yourself, your whole world changes.

M – Make commitments, not excuses. There is overwhelming power in the words “Yes I will.”

E – Every day can be a fun day. Fun is the lubricant that keeps life moving forward. Laugh a lot.

L – Love is the answer. Whatever the question, love is the answer. It’s the greatest force in the universe.

O – One day at a time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. All of life happens in increments of one.

N – Never give up or become a victim. You are guaranteed to lose if you give up. Winston Churchill was right, “Never, never, never give up.” It works if you work it.