Saturday, June 9, 2007


Sometimes it's harder to stay on track than others. Planning is the key when your routine is disturbed.

I've had a couple of early starts this week and therefore did not run in the mornings. So knowing I had to be out early today too, I decided to run a bit on the road instead of heading to the gym. I save around 15 miniutes travel time that way and although I only had time for 3.2 miles today, as they say back in the county of my son's birth, Yorkshire, Owt's better than nowt. Which loosely translates into anything's better than nothing.

Ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in restaurants yesterday, but that can be done without going nuts. Breakfast was half a small melon in a diner, lunch was sushi (just 3 points) and though I have no idea whatever of the points value of dinner in an Indian restaurant, I took what I considered to be as reasonable an option as possible - Dhosa.

Dhosa for the uninitiated is a large pancake made from lentils, filled with potato and other vegetables - plus more than a few tasty spices of course! It's generally breakfast in India, but I enjoyed it in the evening in Stony Brook.

It takes some doing, but you can make it all work if you really want to. It's wanting to that's the problem!!!