Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Last night I caught a bit of a scarey program on The Learning Channel about a father and son surgeon duo who are doing gastric bypass operations.

I saw another episode of this a few weeks ago and was staggered at how huge some of the people featured were, yet they rolled out some even bigger patients for the show this week.

I thought about a gastric bypass operation myself a couple of years ago, until I heard a surgeon say this -

There are two ways to lose weight - diet and exercise or surgery, diet and exercise.

Up to then I thought surgery was a magical cure-all, but I came to realize it was still only one part of the equation. Since diet and exercise are componenets whatever way you go, I decided to let the surgeon keep his knife in its sheath and bypassed the operating theater.

Surgery is always risky and while I know those for whom a gastric bypass has been positively lifechanging, I know others who have experienced horrendous side-effects.

Diet and exercise do work!