Thursday, January 24, 2008


My knee started giving me problems at the gym yesterday and I was in considerable discomfort throughout the day, especially going up and down stairs when there was severe pain.

Last night I took two Tylenol PM to help me sleep and decided not to exercise this morning, which I wasn't happy about at all.

I had to go into Manhattan this afternoon and opted for the train, intending then to get a cab to visit my friend in Sloane Kettering Hospital. However when I got to Penn Station I decided to see if I could walk up there without too much discomfort and I'm happy to report I did.

It was more than a little cold and it took me 45 minutes going at a pretty brisk pace, but once I arrived I was very happy to have got some exercise in today.

Moving more doesn't have to be working out.

It just needs to be moving more!