Wednesday, May 2, 2007


When you're out of your routine, everything becomes a challenge. It isn't just trying to make wise choices in restaurants, there's the whole issue of trying to fit exercise into a different timetable.

I didn't do too well while we were away over the weekend.

No exercise Saturday as we left home early and were traveling.

Sunday, managed to fit in a 2 1/2 miles run.

Monday, fairly pathetic and brief walk on the beach.

Tuesday, ran 5 1/2 miles - road running really takes a bigger toll on you than a treadmill does.

Wednesday, no exercise as we left early, traveled half the day, I caught up in the office this afternoon and have a meeting tonight.

Sure there was a treadmill in the hotel, but I have this weird thing about treadmills - there are few that I like. They really do all have a different feel. There are at least 25 of them in my gym and while I haven't tried them all, I've been on quite a few and there are only two that I am totally comfortable on.

It really messes up my morning if I walk in and find both of them occupied!!

Anyway, one good thing about being home is tomorrow I can get back into my routine.