Sunday, February 10, 2008


I'm amazed at the number of people who have told me within the past twenty four hours that they read this blog. Some seemed very unlikely - even people from other countries! I guess you never know where words will land once you throw them into cyberspace!

We had some good friends with us today that we hadn't seen in a long while, so following an afternoon of reminiscing and catching up, we headed down the road to the Coram Diner to get a bite to eat (two poached eggs on a dry toasted English muffin, by the way). They looked at the dinner specials and two of them chose to split one. Here's what was included -

Spinach Pie
Roast chicken, Baked potato, red cabbage
Carrot cake
Glass of wine

Having shared this ton of food, they were still unable to finish it, but here comes the scarey bit ... I realized that a few years ago I would have eaten every part of a meal like that myself and dipped heavily into the bread basket too.

That folks, is too much food. It may be value for money, but there's some point at which we need to realize that enough is enough and a heart attack is simply not worth it.

It was insane!