Friday, June 20, 2008


This week I remembered a gift certificate for Blackwells Restaurant in Wading River that I had been given for my birthday last year. I also remembered it expires on June 25th, so my wife and I decided to use it this evening.

I had never been there before - in fact I must admit that I had never heard of this classy spot on a beautiful golf course - but having visited once, I do plan to return.

Sitting in this outstanding setting, perusing the simple but pricey menu, I decided this was one of those occasions that arises now and again when I was going to enjoy the excellent food and get back on track tomorrow.

So I took the Caesar Salad instead of the field greens and ate a bread roll too. The half roast chicken probably wan't too damaging - my wife's sea bass was delicious - but I reckon there was quite a bit of butter on the vegetables and in the mashed potatoes.

I took cheesecake for dessert, coffee with real milk and thoroughly emjoyed the evening.

I still had 20 points left for the day when I arrived at Blackwells, plus my 35 points for the week. Counting was difficult so I didn't try. I guess I went way over.

I simply ate a very good meal and am back on track with effect from right now! There'll be days like this - it's okay to enjoy them and then get on with business once they're done.