Friday, January 23, 2009


I got a welcome phone call in the office late this morning. It was one of those calls that brings a smile to your face, brightens your day and just makes you feel good.

Above all it was totally unexpected.

Charlotte had gone out to do a couple of things and called to say she was bringing back salad pizza for lunch. I love pizza - and to my great surprise have come to be very partial to the salad version over the past couple of years.

Sure, I love pepperoni pizza - and for that matter sausage, meatball, white pies, sicilian pies, chicken parm pizza, baked ziti pizza and even anchovy pizza. Plain old cheese pie is pretty good too.

But when wanting to get the most value for my WW points, it's salad pizza for me. Six great points in one eighth of a large pie - of course I had 12 points worth today. But what I love about the WW lifestyle is, I can eat two slices and still be on program.

Today's pie was very good, but if you want totally outstanding, you have to go to Alfie's on Rte 25 in Ridge. The absolute best!