Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I got home yesterday from a trip to India, which while much shorter than my usual 18,000 miles roundtrips to that great country, was still very worthwhile.

Indian food is my favorite cuisine by a long, long way. Contrary to common belief, everything Indian is not burn-your-mouth hot, but it is absolutely full of flavor.

From the plane food leaving JFK to the final breakfast on Air India flight 141 on returning, every meal was a treat. So how did I keep things in balance? Well apart from the one night at Barbecue Nation when I pigged out, portion control was what helped me to avoid a weight gain during my six days there.

I did also run two mornings, but since it is monsoon season over there, the combination of heat and high humidity meant I didn't venture out any more than that.

So, I'm back in the good old USA - good trip, good food and good outcome!