Thursday, August 13, 2009


Among the questions I get asked about my new lifestyle, one of the most frequent is what motivated me in the first place. Why did I finally decide to lose weight?
The answer to that is easy - Fear!

After three hospital experiences in just over six months, I decided that being healthy beats being incapacitated hands-down. It may sound very melodramatic to say I had to decide whether to eat Big Macs and Fries or walk, but it may have come down to that.

Don't get me wrong, I was in perfect health despite being morbidly obese, but I came to realize I couldn't cheat the consequences of abusing my body for ever. I needed to quit while I was ahead.

I don't live with that fear, or lay awake at night in a cold sweat, but thankfully it got me into the right gear.

Whatever it was for you, keep trucking!