Saturday, May 10, 2008


Did I ever say I enjoy doing my Saturday morning Weight Watcher groups? It's not just the fact that we had people reach goal and other milestones along the way this morning, it's that after almost eight months of doing this, I feel a huge sense of connection with most of the members.

Our numbers are staying way up, with us averaging as many coming on Saturdays in May as we were seeing at the height of the "diet season" in January. These folks are on a mission and it's a privilege to be a part of it.

Of course I missed my final group today as I had to head to Stony Brook for the biker wedding - that was fun too, with a whole stream of bikes coming down the road for the ceremony.

It seems the bride's definition of a "core" food reception was a pretty liberal interpretation of the core program, but we sat with some old friends, caught up with them and ate sparingly from the good food on offer.

A good day!