Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I'm doing a wedding on Saturday afternoon at The Three Village Inn, which happens to be my wife's favorite restaurant - personally I think she likes anywhere that's pricey!

It'll be an unusual affair, starting with a ceremony on the green across the street from the restaurant. It's a biker wedding, for which the invitations said the dress code will be "biker casual" and the bride and groom plan to ride in together on a Harley. I'll settle for driving there in my Mustang.

Anyway, I was a little anxious about the challenges the food might present me with, until I met with the couple this afternoon to make the final arrangements for their big day. It was then that the bride-to-be told me, "Don't worry about what to eat, I ordered all Core foods." Then she explained that she had lost 50lb on Weight Watchers!

So my apprehension was definitely unnecessary!

There are more of us around than we realize!