Saturday, September 6, 2008


Last year there were roughly as many underfed people in the world as there were overweight people -1.1 Billion. I have the source for that, though not at my fingertips at this exact point in time and I'm too idle at this late hour on a Saturday evening to go hunt for it! So take my word for it!

So today when I told my WW groups that over the next six weeks we are going to give them the opportunity to tilt the balance a little in the favor of the underprivileged, there was a great response.

In both the Selden and Lake Ronkonkoma Centers they're going to be accepting food donations throughout this Win To Lose campaign and everything that comes in will go into our overstretched Grace Care Food Pantry, which supplied around 9,000 people with food in 2007. There's the potential for a massive boost to our supplies as we head into the fall and I am grateful to our Territory Manager and the Location Coordinators in the two centers.