Thursday, December 18, 2008


Today I had a working lunch at what is arguably the best Pizzeria in the county - of course I don't know that for sure, but once I have completed my research by checking out all the others, I'll let you know if I was right!

Coming to Long Island from the UK, I used to think that Domino's made good pies, followed closely by Pizza Hut. However I soon came to realize that living in an area where there are more Italians than live within a 500 miles radius of the Vatican, those are only fast food joints and if you want the real thing you have to go to individually owned pizzerias.

I am grateful for that education - I enjoyed it!

Lunch was ordered for the four of us today by the host - a Sicilian Pie, the biggest and tastiest of all pizzas.

And I ate a slice.

My three friends cleaned up the rest. When I was asked how I could resist eating more (and I easily could have done), I replied that I remembered what it was like being over 330lb and I had no intention of going back there.

Measuring a slice of pie against staying in the shape I'm in now was a no-brainer. The pie lost.

Life is about choices. You can't have it all.

Make good choices today.