Monday, December 1, 2008


Okay, the official number is in - I lost 1.4lb over Thanksgiving. While I weigh myself on occasions throughout the week, I let the WW scale be my official guide and I weigh-in there on Monday mornings.

One holiday down and two to go, though Christmas is by far the more significant occasion than New Year. My sister will be coming from the UK to be with us over the holidays and she will be bringing some traditional goodies from the old country, but as a WW Lifetime Member herself, she has thankfully committed to carrying only limited quantities of contraband.

The main way to survive any holiday is to realize that it is just one day - ignore the run-up, enjoy the day and then get back on track. So that's the plan.

Christmas worked well for me last year because I had a stomach virus. This year I sincerely hope to eat - and still do well.