Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Okay, so after my first full year as a WW leader, I'm fed up with passing off questions about E-Tools with the statement that I don't actually use them.

Now, you have to realize that when I studied computer programing in high school, it centered around punching holes in long rolls of paper and then feeding said rolls into a machine that would have totally filled the den of an average-sized home.

However, I am reasonably computer literate nowadays - for a relic from a bygone era! I even own an iPod touch and can check flight arrivals, the weather forecast and my emails on my cell phone.

I just never got into E-Tools - or to be honest, I did once and did something that appeared to mess it up.

I re-registered today and am amazed at the wealth of stuff that is available there. I'm tracking on-line, calculating points on-line (though I can also do that on my cell phone using mobile e-tools) and keeping an eye on my activity points too.

It's fun.

So here's the deal, if you're a WW monthly using a monthly pass, check out these incredible tools. They're yours for free as part of the monthly pass package.

I love it! And hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to answer questions on how this great program feature works.