Monday, April 16, 2007


Okay, so I'm learning that this maintaining gig is a bit of a balancing act - one I haven't got right yet! Weighed in at WW today and had gained 0.8 lb, which in the grand scheme of things is not meteoric and only lands me about 6 ounces above my goal, but I do need to get rid of it this week.

What to cut out?

Maybe the 1/4 gallon of Turkey Hill ice cream I ate last Monday night???

There was I, thinking how virtuous I was not to demolish the whole container, but I am sure that the amount I did consume didn't help - though it was good!!!

Had a couple more out of balance days and four solid ones on program, so now I need to lean towards program a little more this week. Shouldn't be a problem, though the other 1/4 gallon is still in the freezer!