Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Okay, I'll be the first to admit that this maintaining business is easier said than done.

I think it was a lot more straightforward when I knew that I needed to lose weekly, than it has been this past three weeks of trying to stay within two pounds of my goal.

I guess it's not the way I should be going, but for the past couple of weeks my pattern has been pigging out one day (or two) and staying on program for the rest of the week. Yesterday was the pigging out day. I'd be embarassed to share here what I threw down my throat. I'd be mortified if I gave it all a points value and totalled that up.

I'm still confident that come next Monday I will not have shown a significant gain (if any) - thankfully however hard you try, you can't put 133lb back on in twelve hours - but I need to get a more balanced approach to this and I'm working on that.

One messed up day doesn't sabotage the whole process, so today has been a brand new day.

I love that!