Monday, March 10, 2008


I know that for those who work a regular Monday to Friday job, Sunday evening is not the most exciting time of the week. Mondays often get a bad rap!

I work Tuesdays to Sundays, so look forward to Monday as it's a free day - well, some of the time! I generally go to the gym (by the way, that didn't work at all today as my toes were too sore to wear my sneakers!), then I attend my weekly WW meeting as a member and from that do whatever I want or needs to be done.

There wasn't anything too pressing today, so I indulged one of my passions and did some cooking this afternoon. Nothing too exciting, or maybe there was.

After making a pot of the staple 1-Point Chilli, I experimented with a recipe I picked up at this morning's group, for General Tso's Chicken. It smells delicious - the scrapings of the pan tasted good too. Once I've actually eaten some, I'll pass on the recipe here. At 4 points per cup, you even get a half decent amount in a serving. And we all know that quantity is important!

My day off comes to an abrupt end pretty soon now as I'm off to the Selden WW Center where I'm subbing for another leader for around 6 weeks and so have 5.30 and 7.00 groups.

Truth is, I love what I do all seven days of a week, so in all honesty it's not really work at all!