Friday, March 7, 2008


Way back in the 60's when dinosaurs roamed the earth, there was a Friday night TV show called Ready, Steady Go! that featured most of the popular bands of that interesting time. The show's tag line was - The Weekend Starts Here - and that's about where I am right now, sitting watching a re-run of House and anticipating the next two days.

Full weekend immediately ahead and I'm really looking forward to it.

+ Our Saturday WW groups are buzzing and despite the heavy rain they're forecasting for tomorrow, I still expect a good turnout because that's the kind of members we have.

+ Trying to work out how to break the news we still don't have PB Bliss bars at the Center.

+ Two members are very close to goal - I hope tomorrow is their day.

+ I'm going in earlier than usual to play with the seating and see if we can make better use of the space, especially in the first two meetings that can get crowded.

+ Our church's mobile soup kitchen will be interesting in driving rain, but we've done it before. I think we've only missed one Saturday afternoon in six years and that wasn't a weather issue.

+ Changing the clocks is always a bummer when you lose an hour's sleep, but it'll be worth it to have more daylight with effect from Sunday evening.

+ Church will be good Sunday as we continue to prepare to add another service from Easter Sunday onwards. Seems we have accommodation problems in both of my weekend activities, but let's face it, that's a healthy kind of problem!