Saturday, October 13, 2007


This has been my fourth Saturday of leading the Weight Watchers groups in Selden and I have to say that I'm loving it. It's an early start - I have to be there for 7.15 - and from then on it's non-stop with back-to-back meetings at 8.30, 9.30, 10.30 and 11.30, but man it's fun.

At this time of year we seem to be averaging 220-230 people in total each week, so as you might appreciate, it's taking me a while to get to know everyone. If you bear in mind that everyone is not there every single week, we could probably be talking about a pool of 300+ different individuals.

I know that I'm only one part of the jigsaw, a small cog in the whole machine, but if I can encourage and motivate some of these great folks toward their goal, then I will be more than happy.

I think we're getting beyond the stark contrast of having a new leader who is male instead of a brilliant woman who had been doing the job for years. I could never take Lynn's place, but hopefully I can build on the great work she did for so long.

What I do on Saturday mornings is quite different from what I'm about all week, but in some ways it's also very similar.

It's about enabling people to see their full potential, equipping them to move towards it and encouraging them to keep going.

Did I say I am loving doing it???